Home News Spoga + Gafa 2022: an absolute success, two years after its last edition
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Spoga + Gafa 2022: an absolute success, two years after its last edition

From the 19th to 21st June, Cologne saw the buzz and thill of the 2022 edition of Spoga + Gafa, the largest international fair for garden and lifestyle.

Around 25,000 visitors from 112 countries came to Cologne to admire the novelties and innovations on display from approximately 1,000 exhibitors and 52 countries.

As with the previous editions, this year the 390 square meters of our stall have been an excellent opportunity to forge new collaborations, consolidate existing relationships and reaffirm Bestway as a leading force in the world of outdoor leisure.

Among the many new products on display, Bestway presented a selection of its iconic inflatables, the latest developments and additions to the Above Ground Pool line and Lay-Z-Spa range, as well as airbeds, camping and water sports items.

A well-deserved thank you goes to our loyal customers and the new contacts who stopped by our stall to say hello and get an exclusive preview of our new collection.